
How do we ensure the security of our mobile devices and apps used for business purposes?


Ensuring the security of mobile devices and apps used for business purposes is essential to protect sensitive data and maintain the integrity of your organization’s digital assets. Here are key steps to secure mobile devices and apps effectively: Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Mobile Application Management (MAM): Implement MDM and MAM solutions to centralize device […]



Protecting your organization from ransomware attacks, which have indeed been on the rise, requires a multi-faceted approach that combines technical measures, employee training, and a well-defined incident response plan. Here are some key steps to help safeguard your organization: Employee Training and Awareness: Educate your employees about the dangers of ransomware and the role they […]

Cyber-Resilience as a Game-Changer for Organisations

In today’s digital landscape, where cyber threats loom large and the risk of cyber-attacks is ever-present, the concept of cyber-resilience has become a key differentiator for organisations. Beyond the traditional approach of fortifying defenses, cyber-resilience represents an organisation’s ability not only to withstand cyber-attacks but to adapt and recover swiftly in the face of evolving […]

Building Cybersecurity Capacity for National Security

In an era where our world is increasingly interconnected, the digital landscape serves as the backbone of economic, social, and governmental activities. The escalating frequency and sophistication of cyber threats have underscored the need for a robust cybersecurity foundation at the national level. In this blog post, we will delve into why nations should prioritise […]

The Imperative of Investing in Cybersecurity

In an era dominated by technological innovation, where the digital landscape is rife with unparalleled opportunities, organisations find themselves at the intersection of progress and risk. The digital age has ushered in an era of transformative potential, but it has also exposed businesses to unprecedented cybersecurity risks. In this blog post, we will delve into […]

Shattering The Myth That Phishing Attacks Are Easy To Spot!

A dangerous myth that has continued to sustain is that phishing attacks are easy to spot. The genesis of this over-confidence must have been somewhere in the ability of smart individuals and software in detecting extremely obvious grammatical errors and logical flaws in the initial generations of phishing attacks. Those were times when poorly educated […]

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